
Foundational Learning Virtual Conference 2025

This year, represent and share about the new Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) with the community on March 20, 2025

In the face of rising costs and declining funding, adult learners need access to high school equivalency as their base. The new Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) is the new national high school equivalency diploma solution.

This year's Foundational Learning Virtual Conference gathers the foundational learning community to advocate for this new credential as a strong first step for adult learners. As keynote speaker, Ken Steele, Chief Futurist at Eduvation, will kick off the community dialogue with an interactive presentation of the foundational learning educational landscape and CAEC's role in it. In addition, CAEC practitioners from across the country will present to the community their role and perspective on this new credential. Testing centres, prep providers, support agencies and other stakeholders will present on their connection to CAEC: from testing to prepping to managing to supporting access

To continue this community effort, panelists from this diverse community will discuss key challenges and exchange best practices in terms of making CAEC accessible and meaningful. The conference will serve as a platform for practitioners to stand up and speak.

To make this movement real, exhibitors will have a virtual exhibit hall to display CAEC learning and assessment resources vetted for adult learners. Representatives will be on hand to answer questions and arrange further meetings.

Most importantly, conference participants will have the chance to take what they share and learn and work with fellow partners on CAEC projects together. This work is what will make CAEC a sustainable first step in boosting foundational learning access.

To make this conference work, we need you and other members to step forward. We will need practitioners to present. We require panelists to offer their wisdom. We will need sponsors to cover costs. Most importantly, we need you to attend. Visit the conference page to sign up today. Come as an individual or sign up as a group. Tell a colleague.

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Stand up and join fellow community practitioners at the Foundational Learning Conference 2025 on March 20, 2025.


Presenters are community practitioners sharing their ideas and making connections with the rest of the community.

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